Confused about Medicare?

When to enroll? How to enroll? What plan to choose?
Get answers from a trusted local source in this free 37 minute online class.

Turning 65 soon and receiving dozens
of Medicare Plan offers daily?

Medicare can be a complicated program. It is to your benefit to understand how the plans work and how you can maximize your benefits. Wisely managing your Medicare benefits starts with understanding the facts. You will learn how to choose the most appropriate Medicare plan for YOUR situation!

These Important Topics Will be Addressed:


– What are Medicare parts A, B, C and D?

– What’s covered?

– What’s not?

– What’s the cost?

– What is Medicare Advantage?

– What is a Medicare Supplement?

– What do I need to know before enrolling in a plan?

Let us simplify Medicare
for you in a free 37 minute
online course.

Advisory services offered through Solera Asset Managers, a state Registered Investment Advisory firm. Insurance services are provided through Solera Insurance Agency, CA Ins. #0M62236 Not sponsored by or in any way affiliated with any governmental agency.