
Character. Relationship. Service. Stewardship. Accessibility. Authenticity. Resource.

We are passionate about delivering financial counsel to help individuals protect their assets, provide for their needs, and realize dreams. We strive everyday to be guided by the following seven values in serving our clients.


Character is the basis of ALL success. Honesty is when actions are first, words are later and they are the same. Integrity is when words are first, actions are later and they are the same.


Trust is the basis of all relationship. Dealing with others in a caring way that seeks to listen, give, and serve. Keeping promises.


Supplying aid, information, and service for your financial needs and resource for your dreams.


We are accountable for protecting and being responsible for assets that are entrusted to our care.


We are easy to connect and communicate with. We return requests promptly since it matters to you.


Our actions match our stated values. There is no separation between us and our word. You can expect us to be consistent in what we do.


We are a source of information, advice, financial council, and connection for individuals seeking to protect and grow their assets for themselves and for those that desire to pass some on to charity or the next generation.



Solera is a process for aging liquids such as wine, beer, vinegar, and brandy, by fractional blending in such a way that the finished product is a mixture of ages, with the average age gradually increasing as the process continues over many years. Solera literally means “on the ground” in Spanish, and it refers to the lower level of the set of barrels or other containers used in the process; the liquid is transferred from barrel to barrel, top to bottom, the oldest mixtures being in the barrel right “on the ground”. The investment strategies we employ for clients require a meticulous blending of diverse products and strategies to create a refined “mixture” that helps grow wealth while aiming to protect against catastrophic investment losses.

The holy grail of investing is to achieve overall greater investment returns without increasing risk. We love people and are passionate to serve their personal and financial needs. We work with high intention, high service, and a relational imperative. A few values that are part of our success are transparency, authenticity, and trust. These values are not just words to us, they are the cornerstone of who we are. While we have confidence in our strategies, we cannot guarantee performance in accounts. What we can guarantee is that we will approach everything with a tireless work ethic. We communicate with clients regularly and often.